• 2022-05-29
    Many people have good _______ of that old McDonald's.
  • memories


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      Why do you think many Chinese people like McDonald’s or KFC?

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      People who are ______ know many things or have good judgment

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      根据段落大意,将下列7句话和课文前7段落排序 A: Many people doubt the official wordfrom the McDonald’s. B: People are really upset about the removal of the first McDonald’s. C: Someone believe earthquake is just a lie. D: Presenting 2 opposing attitudes for the first restaurant. E: The manager explains the reason for pulling down the building . F: The introduction of the first restaurant. G: McDonald’s is going to tear down the restaurant instead of fixing it which disappoints the local people.

    • 3

      The building is still there, but boards cover the windows. Even so, people drive by to remember their McDonald’s.

    • 4

      We should admit that old people have some _____ habits that have been with them for many years. And usually they are not ready to get rid of them.