Chapter II Test(副本) Match volume A with B, choose the corresponded letter in volume B for 1-5 in volume A
- The pulmonary volume that buffered the change of alveolar partial pressure was A: Inspiratory reserve volume B: expiratory reserve volume C: deep inspiratory volume D: residual volume E: functional residual volume
- Which<br/>volume remains in the lungs after a tidal volume () is expired? () A: Tidal volume B: Vital capacity C: Expiratory reserve volume D: Residual volume E: Functional residual capacity
- Which attribute of a logical volume can NOT be changed after it is created?() A: The placement of the logical volume B: The stripe size of the logical volume C: The upper bound of the logical volume D: The intra-policy of the logical volume
- Which of the following is the bulk volume of the powder? A: True volume B: Void volume between particles C: Void volume in particles D: The sum of the above three
- The effective volume of aggregate is () A: Volume of solid aggregate B: volume of solid aggregate and surface voids C: volume of solid aggregate and surface voids not filled with asphalt D: volume of solid aggregate, surface voids and closed voids
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The pore volume of fully saturated soil is equal to the volume of water .
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4 下面那个是相机阻挡体积? A: :Pain Causing Volume B: :Blocking Volume C: :Camera Blocking Volumes D: :Trigger Volume
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The figure that the volume of air at BDC is divided by the volume of air at TDC is termed as().
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Tidal volume refers to the volume of air inhaled or exhaled with each breath.
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