• 2022-05-29
    According to Amartya Sen, development should be:
    A: seen as a process of expanding the real freedoms that people experience.
    B: seen as a non-political concept that focuses on the net income of a country.
    C: should be viewed as a purely economic process.
    D: assessed by material output measures such as GNI per capita.
  • A


    • 0

      China, as a developing country, should speed up her ______ development and improve the people's life level. A: economical B: economy C: economic D: economics

    • 1

      For a system of an ideal gas, in which process of the following that the heat absorbed by the system and the work done toward the surroundings are positive? A: Isochoric (等体) and pressure decreasing process. B: Isothermal (等温) and expanding process. C: Adiabatic and expanding process. D: Isobaric (等压) and compressed process

    • 2

      _______ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any country.

    • 3

      According to the level of economic development, China is a country.

    • 4

      Real estate development is the process an entity makes improvements to real property.