homogeneity of customer needs is the internal basis for market
segmentation. ()
homogeneity of customer needs is the internal basis for market
segmentation. ()
- Market segmentation is not to classify products, but to classify customer groups with different needs for the same product.
- 市场细分的前提是( )。 The premise of market segmentation is ( ). A: 顾客需求的差异性Differences in customer needs B: 竞争激烈Competition is fierce C: 企业面对卖方市场Enterprises face the seller's market D: 产品的同质性The homogeneity of the product
- 中国大学MOOC: There are 4 types of market segmentation which are most commonly used. They are: demographic segmentation, behavioral segmentation, ___________ segmentation and Geographic segmentation.
- ( )is<br/>useful basis for global market segmentation and target marketing A: Economic System B: Political System C: Stages of market development D: Stages of technology development
- Which of following is not market segmentation? ( ) A: Segmenting<br/>business market B: Segmenting<br/>local market C: Segmenting<br/>consumer market D: Segmenting<br/>international market