中国大学MOOC: There are 4 types of market segmentation which are most commonly used. They are: demographic segmentation, behavioral segmentation, ___________ segmentation and Geographic segmentation.
中国大学MOOC: There are 4 types of market segmentation which are most commonly used. They are: demographic segmentation, behavioral segmentation, ___________ segmentation and Geographic segmentation.
( )差异的存在是市场细分的客观依据。( ) the existence of difference is the objective basis of market segmentation. A: 产品products B: 价格price C: 需求偏好Demand preference D: 细分segmentation
( )差异的存在是市场细分的客观依据。( ) the existence of difference is the objective basis of market segmentation. A: 产品products B: 价格price C: 需求偏好Demand preference D: 细分segmentation
There are 4 types of market segmentation which are most commonly used. They are _______. A: demographic segmentation B: behavioral segmentation C: psychographic segmentation D: geographic segmentation
There are 4 types of market segmentation which are most commonly used. They are _______. A: demographic segmentation B: behavioral segmentation C: psychographic segmentation D: geographic segmentation
Discuss the advantages of market segmentation.
Discuss the advantages of market segmentation.
Delta Motorworks markets its cars based on the age, gender, and income of its customers. Which of the following types of market segmentation is evident here? A: geographic segmentation B: benefit segmentation C: occasion segmentation D: demographic segmentation
Delta Motorworks markets its cars based on the age, gender, and income of its customers. Which of the following types of market segmentation is evident here? A: geographic segmentation B: benefit segmentation C: occasion segmentation D: demographic segmentation
The segmenting pattern of the caterpillar segment is secondary segmentation.
The segmenting pattern of the caterpillar segment is secondary segmentation.
E-market segmentation
E-market segmentation
The<br/>homogeneity of customer needs is the internal basis for market<br/>segmentation. ()
The<br/>homogeneity of customer needs is the internal basis for market<br/>segmentation. ()
Which of the following statements are correct?( ) A: Psychographic segmentation variables include consumer lifestyles. B: Psychographic segmentation variables include consumer brand loyalty. C: Psychographic segmentation variables include consumer personality attributes. D: Psychographic segmentation variables include consumer's benefit expectations of a product.
Which of the following statements are correct?( ) A: Psychographic segmentation variables include consumer lifestyles. B: Psychographic segmentation variables include consumer brand loyalty. C: Psychographic segmentation variables include consumer personality attributes. D: Psychographic segmentation variables include consumer's benefit expectations of a product.
The basic methods of international market segmentation are ( ).
The basic methods of international market segmentation are ( ).