• 2022-05-30
    The opening of hepatopancreatic ampulla lies in ()
    A: superior portion of duodenum
    B: pyloric antrum
    C: Calot's triangle
    D: major duodenal papilla
    E: minor duodenal papilla
  • D


    • 0

      The organ involved in forming the stomach bed is () A: Transverse colon and its mesentery B: Left kidney and right adrenal gland C: Right kidney and right adrenal gland D: Duodenal bulb E: Falling Duodenum

    • 1

      Formation of protourine in ________. A: renal medulla B: renal pyramid C: renal cortex D: renal papilla

    • 2

      The ampulla is a portion of () A: the vulva B: the vagina C: the uterus D: the uterine tubes E: the ovary

    • 3

      Which of the following lacks myoepithelial cells in their acini. A: Submandibular B: Sublingual C: Parotid D: Pancreas E: Duodenal

    • 4

      Which of the following glands is pure serous in human. A: Submandibular B: Parotid C: Sublingual D: Esophageal E: Duodenal