• 2022-05-31
    Who is the father of the British navy().
    A: Henry Ⅷ
    B: Queen Elizabeth
    C: Julius Caesar
    D: King Alfred
  • D


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      ________ is considered the father of British Navy. A: William I B: King John C: Alfred the Great D: Henry I

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      When Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, who was the next in line to the thrones of England and Ireland? A: King Henry VIII of England B: Queen Elizabeth II C: King James VI of Scotland D: King Charles I of England

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      Alfred the Great was known as "the Father of the British Navy" in English history

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      Who was the first king of Italy? A: Gaius Julius Caesar B: Odoacer C: Theoderic the Great D: Romulus Ⅱ

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      西式婚礼中穿婚纱的习俗源自于_______。 A: Queen Elizabeth II B: Queen Victoria C: King James D: King Henry VIII