• 2022-05-31
    The reason is ____________ he lacks social experience .
  • that


    • 0

      What he lacks is courage, _____ A: isn’t it B: isn’t he C: is it D: is he

    • 1

      虽然他是律师,但他不能清楚地解释原因。 A: A lawyer though he is, he cannot explain the reason clearly. B: Lawyer as he is, he cannot explain the reason clearly. C: Lawyer though he is, he cannot explain the reason clearly. D: Though a lawyer he is, but he cannot explain the reason clearly.

    • 2

      He didn’t like this job, because it lacks (vary) ______.

    • 3

      He is an eloquent speaker; __________ , he lacks depth. A: but B: yet C: so D: moreover

    • 4

      Her extensive social experience is what makes her so ______________.