• 2022-05-31
    By the time the so-called “Cultural Revolution” came to
    an end, our economy was on the _____ of collapse.
    A: rim
    B: brim
    C: border
    D: verge
  • D


    • 0

      I was on the ()of accepting. A: border B: tip C: verge D: side

    • 1

      We should learn to_ the cultural diversity rather than criticism blindly on so called “cultural invasion”.

    • 2

      若要单元格之间合并,则以下正确的是( ) A: border-collapse:seprate B: border: seprate C: border-collapse:collapse D: border: collapse

    • 3

      Many experts believe that this country’s economy is on the _____ of collapse.

    • 4

      The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government<br/>regulation of the ( ) conditions. A: economy/political B: social/political C: economy/social D: political/cultural