• 2022-05-31
    The most successful people who truly enjoy their lives make a habit of thinking positively.
  • 那些真正热爱生活的最成功人士都养成了积极乐观的思考习惯。


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      Those who are satisfied with their lives enjoy better health and longer life expectancy than those who are _____.

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      ‌The most successful speakers are those who communicate most effectively with their listeners.‏

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      Is religion still _______ to most people’s lives?

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      But in most circles, particularly in places that shape our lives—families, schools and most workplaces—thinking for yourself is regarded with suspicion.

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      Ethical persuasion can help people ______. A: to resist the temptation in life B: to make wise decisions based on their past experience C: to manipulate public opinion D: to be successful in their political lives