Using a credit card can best be likened to (使用信用卡可以最好的比较——中文由在线翻译而来,仅供参考)
A: taking out a loan.取出贷款。
B: a barter exchange.一个易货交易所。
C: using any other form of money because you immediately get to take the goods home.使用任何其他形式的钱,因为你马上把货物带回家。
D: writing a check on your demand deposit account.在您的定期存款账户上写支票。
A: taking out a loan.取出贷款。
B: a barter exchange.一个易货交易所。
C: using any other form of money because you immediately get to take the goods home.使用任何其他形式的钱,因为你马上把货物带回家。
D: writing a check on your demand deposit account.在您的定期存款账户上写支票。
- Deposit means you take money out of a bank account.
- Decide whether the following statements are true and false.1. A bank is a financial institution which deals with money transactions. In a bank, you can borrow money in the form of a bank loan, or you can put your money in a bank, in other words, deposit money.
- A _______ card is a bank card that you can use to pay for things. When you use it the money is taken out of your bank account immediately.
- How long will it take you to get the bank card if you have opened an account in a bank A: Two weeks after you opened the account. B: At least one week after you opened the account. C: Less than a week after you opened the account. D: Immediately after you opened the account.
- While using a credit card, you must ______. A: be sure that your expenses are not larger than your savings B: try not to lose your money through carelessness C: try to avoid thief D: learn to save your money