Those who deid bravely in the battle eaned great __________.
A: life
B: pride
C: glory
D: happiness
A: life
B: pride
C: glory
D: happiness
- Those who died bravely in the battle earned great _______. A: life B: pride C: glory D: happiness
- Those who died bravely in the battle earned great _______.
- We said, then, that it (happiness) is not a disposition; for if it were it might belong to someone who was asleep throughout his life, living the life of a plant, or, again, to someone who was suffering the greatest misfortunes. (Unit 9: On Happiness)In this statement, the author seems to suggest that __________. A: happiness might belong to someone who has a miserable life B: happiness might belong to someone who is disabled C: happiness is not a character, but a good activity D: happiness should be possessed by everyone
- Those who are satisfied with their lives enjoy better health and longer life expectancy than those who are _____.
- Happiness often comes to those ( ) work hard. A: what B: which C: whom D: who