• 2022-05-31
    The fragrant scent of the lilac is said to ______ the beginning of spring.
    A: exult
    B: pronounce
    C: hasten
    D: herald
  • D


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      Chinese people have always regarded _______as most significant and the true beginning of the New Year. A: the Start of Spring B: the Spring Festival C: the Spring Equinox D: the Winter Solstice

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      What should spring be like? What does "a silent spring" mean A: Spring should be throbbing with life, full of birdsong. "A silent spring" means a lifeless spring. B: Spring should be a busy ploughing season. "A silent spring" means people get lazy and stop working.

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      Beginning of Spring usually starts from the fourth or fifth of March.

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      Among the 24 solar terms, the Summer Solstice and the _______were firstly set.( )。 A: Autumn Equinox B: Spring Equinox C: Beginning of Spring D: Winter Solstice

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      Who was Miss Fanny Jackson A: the only daughter of General "Stonewall" Jackson. B: a little-known girl who sold her father's papers to Robert Spring. C: Robert Spring's daughter. D: an imaginary person created by Spring.