In European countries, if you want to send people flowers as gift, you’d better not A: uy tulip and daffodil(黄水仙) B: uy lilac(丁香) and daisy(雏菊) C: chrysanthemum(菊花) and calla lily(马蹄莲) D: uy lilac and apple flowe
In European countries, if you want to send people flowers as gift, you’d better not A: uy tulip and daffodil(黄水仙) B: uy lilac(丁香) and daisy(雏菊) C: chrysanthemum(菊花) and calla lily(马蹄莲) D: uy lilac and apple flowe
The fragrant scent of the lilac is said to ______ the beginning of spring. A: exult B: pronounce C: hasten D: herald
The fragrant scent of the lilac is said to ______ the beginning of spring. A: exult B: pronounce C: hasten D: herald
His window was open, and through the window came a wandering — perhaps a lost — odor — a delicate, sweet odor of lilac that fixed the broker for a moment immovable. A: Figurative language B: Sensory details C: Vivid verbs
His window was open, and through the window came a wandering — perhaps a lost — odor — a delicate, sweet odor of lilac that fixed the broker for a moment immovable. A: Figurative language B: Sensory details C: Vivid verbs
中国戏曲有《牡丹亭》PeonyPavilion,诗句有“唯有牡丹真国色”,牡丹是我国的国花,下面哪种花是泰国的国花? A: orchid B: lilac C: sunflower D: waterlily
中国戏曲有《牡丹亭》PeonyPavilion,诗句有“唯有牡丹真国色”,牡丹是我国的国花,下面哪种花是泰国的国花? A: orchid B: lilac C: sunflower D: waterlily