• 2022-05-29
    A pattern manifested as empty pain in head, accompanied with dizziness, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, redness of the tongue with less coating, thready and weak pulse is
    A: hyperactivity of liver yang
    B: insufficiency of kidney essence
    C: kidney yang insufficiency
    D: flaming of liver fire
  • B


    • 0

      Senile debilitating lesions are mainly in the five internal organs, especially the two internal organs ( ) A: Spleen and kidney B: Liver and heart C: Spleen and liver D: Lung and stomach E: Kidney and liver

    • 1

      Which group can be generalized by the relationship of reverse restriciton? A: disorder of spleen involving kidney B: disorder of liver involviing spleen C: disorder of liver involving lung D: disorder of heart involving kidney

    • 2

      Young and middle-aged people suffer from hair loss, Which of the following descriptions are correct? A: Hair loss accompanied with fatigue is mostly caused by qi deficiency. B: Hair loss accompanied with aching and weakness of waist and knees is mostly caused by kidney deficiency. C: Hair loss accompanied with insomnia is mostly caused by blood deficiency. D: If there is no other accompanied symptoms, it is congenital white hair.

    • 3

      The hair depend upon the nourishment of(). A: liver<br/>qi B: lung<br/>qi C: kidney<br/>essence D: food E: body<br/>fluid

    • 4

      利用PubMed检索Rao M为第一作者发表的关于肾衰竭(kidney failure)饮食疗法的文献,应采用的检索式为 ( ) A: "kidney failure" AND rao m[au] B: "Renal Insufficiency/diet therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[author] C: "Renal Insufficiency"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor] D: "Renal Insufficiency/diet therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor] E: "Renal Insufficiency/therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor]