3. Which of the following hypoxia generally has no cyanosis? A: Respiratory insufficiency B: Suffocation C: Tissue oxygen disorder D: Venous blood doping E: Cardiac insufficiency
3. Which of the following hypoxia generally has no cyanosis? A: Respiratory insufficiency B: Suffocation C: Tissue oxygen disorder D: Venous blood doping E: Cardiac insufficiency
利用PubMed检索Rao M为第一作者发表的关于肾衰竭(kidney failure)饮食疗法的文献,应采用的检索式为 ( ) A: "kidney failure" AND rao m[au] B: "Renal Insufficiency/diet therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[author] C: "Renal Insufficiency"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor] D: "Renal Insufficiency/diet therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor] E: "Renal Insufficiency/therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor]
利用PubMed检索Rao M为第一作者发表的关于肾衰竭(kidney failure)饮食疗法的文献,应采用的检索式为 ( ) A: "kidney failure" AND rao m[au] B: "Renal Insufficiency/diet therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[author] C: "Renal Insufficiency"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor] D: "Renal Insufficiency/diet therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor] E: "Renal Insufficiency/therapy"[Mesh] AND rao m[firstauthor]
A pattern manifested as empty pain in head, accompanied with dizziness, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, redness of the tongue with less coating, thready and weak pulse is A: hyperactivity of liver yang B: insufficiency of kidney essence C: kidney yang insufficiency D: flaming of liver fire
A pattern manifested as empty pain in head, accompanied with dizziness, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, redness of the tongue with less coating, thready and weak pulse is A: hyperactivity of liver yang B: insufficiency of kidney essence C: kidney yang insufficiency D: flaming of liver fire
The company's training plan was designed to help the employees to improve their work habits and ______. A: proficiency B: sufficiency C: insufficiency D: efficiency
The company's training plan was designed to help the employees to improve their work habits and ______. A: proficiency B: sufficiency C: insufficiency D: efficiency
As matter of fact,the damage to the winches was due to __( )__.(1.0) A: Insufficiency of packaging B: Inherent vice of the cargo C: Improper stowage D: Rough handling
As matter of fact,the damage to the winches was due to __( )__.(1.0) A: Insufficiency of packaging B: Inherent vice of the cargo C: Improper stowage D: Rough handling
Forced positions can be found in either of the following situations( ) A: disease early B: consciousness blurred C: cardiopulmonary insufficiency D: extreme weakness E: serious disease
Forced positions can be found in either of the following situations( ) A: disease early B: consciousness blurred C: cardiopulmonary insufficiency D: extreme weakness E: serious disease
Edema caused by the following diseases belongs to systemic edema A: Right heart insufficiency B: Liver cirrhosis C: Nephrotic syndrome D: Malnutrition E: Filariasis F: Thrombophlebitis
Edema caused by the following diseases belongs to systemic edema A: Right heart insufficiency B: Liver cirrhosis C: Nephrotic syndrome D: Malnutrition E: Filariasis F: Thrombophlebitis
b2-selective stimulants are often effective in A: angina due to coronary insufficiency B: asthma C: chronic heart failure D: Raynaud’s syndrome E: delayed or insufficiently strong labor
b2-selective stimulants are often effective in A: angina due to coronary insufficiency B: asthma C: chronic heart failure D: Raynaud’s syndrome E: delayed or insufficiently strong labor
2. Which of the followings is not the typical pattern of Liver-wind ( ) A: Liver-Yang transforming into Wind B: Extreme Heat generating Wind C: Kidney yang deficiency giving rise to Wind D: Blood insufficiency generating Wind
2. Which of the followings is not the typical pattern of Liver-wind ( ) A: Liver-Yang transforming into Wind B: Extreme Heat generating Wind C: Kidney yang deficiency giving rise to Wind D: Blood insufficiency generating Wind
Which of the following X-ray characters is NOT right() A: Mitral stenosis X-ray:pear-like heart B: Mitral stenosis X-ray:apple-like heart C: Mitral insufficiency X-ray:ball-like heart D: Aortic stenosis X-ray:boot-like heart
Which of the following X-ray characters is NOT right() A: Mitral stenosis X-ray:pear-like heart B: Mitral stenosis X-ray:apple-like heart C: Mitral insufficiency X-ray:ball-like heart D: Aortic stenosis X-ray:boot-like heart