A: To learn management skills.
B: To improve public relations.
C: To develop leadership skills.
- What is the aim of the program A: To keep trainees in shape. B: To improve public relations. C: To develop leadership skills.
- This program _________to help people to improve their computer skills.
- 中国大学MOOC: Among the four language skills, listening and reading skills are receptive skills.
- Whatdoes the fable the Dragon-Slayermainly want to convey?? Whatever skills we learn, we should persist in it.|Skills should be learned with an eye to practical needs.|We should make full use of every opportunity to learn skills.|It costs great time and;energy to learn a skill.
- What desired skills are Employers Looking for? A: Interpersonal Skills B: Teamwork Skills C: Analytical Skills D: Oral and Written Skills E: Computer Skills F: Leadership Skills G: Work Experience
- 0
DesCriBe A trAining progrAm you might Design to help employees Develop their interpersonAl skills, How woulD thAt progrAm Differ frmm one you DesigneD to improve employee ethiCAl BehAvior?
- 1
Without adequate sleep, fatigue can ________ a person’s problem-solving skills, attentiveness and motor skills.
- 2
Career development (general) _________ refers to personal efforts by an employee to learn and develop new skills.
- 3
Question 3Which of the following is highly rated by the students surveyed? A: Their mental and physical health. B: Their interpersonal and social skills. C: Their social skills and critical thinking. D: Their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- 4
Career development ______ refers to personal efforts by an<br/>employee to learn and develop new skills. (general)