What is a creative myth? ______
A: a myth about the creation of the world
B: a myth which is creative
C: a myth of great influence
A: a myth about the creation of the world
B: a myth which is creative
C: a myth of great influence
- 1.Talkaboutthefollowingstatementsandtrytoclarifythemisunderstandingsofmentalhealth. 1)Myth:Mentalhealthproblemsdon'taffectme. 2)Myth:Childrendon'texperiencementalhealthproblems. 3)Myth:Peoplewithmentalhealthproblemsareviolentandunpredictable. 4)Myth:Peoplewithmentalhealthneeds,eventhosewhoaremanagingtheirmentalillness,cannottoleratethestressofholdingdownajob. 5)Myth:Personalityweaknessorcharacterflawscausementalhealthproblems.Peoplewithmentalhealthproblemscansnapoutofitiftheytryhardenough. 6)Myth:Thereisnohopeforpeoplewithmentalhealthproblems.Onceafriendorfamilymemberdevelopsmentalhealthproblems,heorshewillneverrecover. 7)Myth:Therapyandself-helpareawasteoftime.Whybotherwhenyoucanjusttakeapill? 8)Myth:Ican'tdoanythingforapersonwithamentalhealthproblem. 9)Myth:Preventiondoesn’twork.Itisimpossibletopreventmentalillnesses.
- Comparative mythology has uncovered a number of recurring themes between the myths of different cultures, such as the creation myth, disaster myth and hero myth. Among them, disaster myth is at the foundation of almost every culture.
- What's the popular myth?
- A myth is a tale that gives a religious explanation for the world as it is.
- What’s the difference between myth and legend?
- 0
The<br/>idea that strict discipline can produce creative children has proved<br/>to be a( ) . A: tale B: myth C: faith D: truth
- 1
According to the creation myth, Gaia produced _____. A: Kronos B: Uranus C: Zeus D: --
- 2
中国大学MOOC:"Which of the following is not a Chinese myth? ";
- 3
The blood of 盘古 , creator of the world in Chinese myth, grew into mountains and waters.
- 4
What kind of role does Odysseus serve in Greek myth?