• 2021-04-14
    When the First World War began, President Wilson immediately called upon the American people to __________.
  • observe strict neutrality


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      When did the story first appear in a magazine? A: before the World War I B: before the World War II C: during the first and second World War D: not mentioned

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      American Romanticism started in the early 19th century and lasted until _____. A: the Independence War B: the American Civil War C: the First World War D: the Indian War

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      The American Independence War began as a civil conflict between Britain and its colonies and then became a world war.

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      What made the American film industry develop during the First World<br/>War?

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      When the Cold War began, who was the president of U.S.A A: Roosevelt B: Acheson C: Eisenhower D: Truman