• 2021-04-14
    A survey was carried out on the death rate of those who were infected by SARS, ________were surprising.
  • the results of which


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      不是所有出席会议的人都同意发言者的意见。 A: Not all those who were present at the conference agreed with the speaker. B: Some of those who were present at the conference agreed with the speaker. C: Some of those who were present at the conference diagreed with the speaker. D: All those who were present at the conference did not agree with the speaker.

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      The house caught fire and the people who were inside were in danger of death/ being dying. _________________________________________________________________________________________

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      Most of the projects concerning the Grand Canal were carried out in ____.

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      It was the only path by ______ they could walk out of the forest and save those ______ were seriously wounded. A: that…who B: which…which C: which…who D: that… that

    • 4

      -Who were those people with the flags?-A group_________ itself the League of Peace.