• 2022-05-30
    The Constitution of 1787 established the dictationship of .
    A: big capitalists
    B: big slave owners
    C: big capitalists and big slave owners
    D: the broad masses of the people
  • C


    • 0

      The house is ______ for us to ______. A: enough big; live B: enough big; live in C: big enough; live in D: big enough; live

    • 1

      【简答题】big big girl 与big big world 中的big含义相同吗?怎么翻译更达意?

    • 2

      Theearth is about ______as the moon. A: as fifty time big B: fifty times as big C: as big fifty time D: fifty as times big

    • 3

      The Earth is about_________as the moon. A: as forty-nine time big B: forty-nine times as big C: as big forty-nine times D: forty-nine as times big

    • 4

      It is ______ that we"ll have to be very careful. A: a so big work B: a so big job C: such a big job D: such a big work