• 2022-05-30
    What’s _______ with the machine?
    A: trouble
    B: wrong
    C: ill
    D: matter
  • B


    • 0

      What is the office having trouble with A: The office’s lighting B: The fax machine C: Their phone lines D: The computer system

    • 1

      - What’s the _______ with you? - I’ve got a bad headache.(1.0) A: wrong B: matters C: thing D: matter

    • 2

      The manager came up to see _________. A: what was the matter B: what the matter was C: what the matter is D: what's the matter

    • 3

      Mother asked me . A: what was wrong with me B: what’s wrong with me C: what wrong was with me D: what wrong is with me

    • 4

      —What's the matter?—I am having the trouble __C___ who has taken my book. A: finding B: looking for C: finding out D: looking up