下列能用记事本打开的文件是( )。
A: my.avi
B: my.mid
C: my.mpg
D: my.txt
A: my.avi
B: my.mid
C: my.mpg
D: my.txt
- 若在Windows 7中全盘搜索文件名包含"my"的文件夹,需打开"搜索结果"窗口中的"要搜索的文件或文件夹",在编辑框中输入( )。 A: *my* B: ?my? C: *my? D: ?my*
- 以下表达式中,正确的是( ) A: K'(MY) = c(MY) / c(M)c(Y) B: K'(MY) = [MY] / [M][Y] C: K(MY) = [MY]/ [M][Y] D: K(MY) = [M][Y]/ [MY]
- I had supper with my _________that evening. A: my father B: my mother C: my brother D: my grandpa
- My mother a doctor is my father so is A: My mother is a doctor. So is my father B: My mother is a doctor. So my father is C: My mother is a doctor. My father is so.
- Jack, a friend of ________, often comes to see us. A: my brother and my sister B: my brother’s and my sister C: my brother and my sister’s D: my brother’s and my sister’s