什么是Spring beans?
Spring beans 是那些形成Spring应用的主干的java对象。它们被Spring IOC容器初始化,装配,和管理。这些beans通过容器中配置的元数据创建。比如,以XML文件中 的形式定义。Spring 框架定义的beans都是单件beans。在bean tag中有个属性”singleton”,如果它被赋为TRUE,bean 就是单件,否则就是一个 prototype bean。默认是TRUE,所以所有在Spring框架中的beans 缺省都是单件。
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描述什么是Spring IOC
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智慧职教: 什么是Spring IOC 容器?
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24. To eat Natto, you should mix the beans and soy sauce in a small bowl and stir them with all your strength so that__. A: the beans will change color and taste better B: the beans will not stick together C: the beans will become sticky and stringy D: you can pick the beans with chopsticks