• 2022-05-29
    A compressible fluid is flowing through a pipe with a constriction. The diameter of the narrow section is 1/2 the diameter of the wide section. The density of the fluid in the narrow section is 3/4 the density of the fluid in the wide section. If the velocity of the compressible fluid is 3.600 m/s in the narrow section, then what is the velocity of the fluid in the wide section?
    A: 0.675 m/s
    B: 0.805 m/s
    C: 0.250 m/s
    D: 0.333 m/s
    E: 0.500 m/s
  • A


    • 0

      I’m looking for the _______ section in today’s paper. A: column B: combination C: com D: classified

    • 1

      I’m looking for the _______ section in today’s paper. A: column B: combination C: comb D: classified

    • 2

      Which section best explains why Sam 's asking so many questions in Section C? A: Section B B: Section D C: Section G D: Section I

    • 3

      Which of the following sections mainly points out that homes are a reflection of a person's social status? A: Section A B: Section E C: Section G D: Section H

    • 4

      对于汉诺塔问题,假设盘子从上到下编号1,2,3,...,现在要把“s柱子上的n个盘子移到e柱子,m柱子为辅助。如果用(a,b,c)表示将编号a的盘子从b柱子移到c柱子,那么下面哪个列表表示3个盘子的解决方法? A: [(1,s,e),(2,s,m),(1,e,m),(1,m,s),(2,m,e),(1,s,e)] B: [(1,s,e),(1,e,m),(3,s,e),(1,m,s),(2,m,e),(1,s,e)] C: [(1,s,e),(2,s,m),(1,e,m),(3,s,e),(1,m,s),(2,m,e),(1,s,e)] D: [(1,s,e),(2,s,m),(3,s,e),(1,e,m),(1,m,s),(2,m,e),(1,s,e)]