• 2021-04-14
    Under the monopolistic competition, there are many competitors in the market. But each firm sells a slightly different product, which can form some market leaders. Each firm makes independent decisions about price and output.
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      In perfect competition, each firm ________. A: can influence the price that it charges B: produces as much as it can C: is a price taker D: faces a perfectly inelastic demand for its product

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      A perfectly competitive firm is producing 75 units of output. The market price is $7 and the firm's marginal cost is $8. The firm should:

    • 2

      [单选]Under which of the following market structures would consumers likely pay the highest price for a product? A: perfect competition B: monopolistic competition C: oligopoly D: monopoly

    • 3

      In Bertrand competition between two firms, each firm believes that if it changes its output, the rival firm will change its output by the same amount.

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      Which is the market structure in which many manufacturers produce and sell products that are different yet substitutable? A: Perfect competition B: Perfect monopoly C: Monopolistic competition D: Oligopoly