• 2021-04-14
    Mr. and Mrs. Wang. request the ______ of your company at dinner.
  • pleasure


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      Mr. and Mrs. Smith ____ the honor of your presence at the reception.

    • 1

      One of your Indonesian client host a dinner party, you bring your favorite wine to share in the dinner.

    • 2

      — What’s Mr Wang doing?— He’s t__________ about our exam results with Mrs White.

    • 3

      完成以下道别情境对话。 Mr. Smith : It’s very 1 of you to come to see me 2 , Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang : My 3 , Mr. Smith. I’m sorry you are unable 4 stay a little 5 . Mr. Smith : So am 6 . Thank you 7 everything you 8 done for me during my stay here. Mr. Wang : You are 9 . Wish you 10 luck and a pleasant journey. Mr. Smith : Thanks. Goodbye. Mr. Wang : Bye.

    • 4

      May I have the honor of your company at dinner?(翻译句子)