• 2022-05-29
    ​You can summarize the key ideas at the end of your speech.‏
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      The closing of the speech is an opportunity NOT to ______‌​‌ A: summarize the main points of your speech B: provide some further food for thought for your listeners C: leave your audience with positive memories of your speech D: end everything.

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      The closing of the speech is an opportunity NOT to ______ A: summarize the main points of your speech B: provide some further food for thought for your listeners C: leave your audience with positive memories of your speech D: end everything.

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      To summarize ideas, you can use – for example, in other words, for instance, specifically, to illustrate.

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      What can we do to manage stage fright?( ) A: Drink some wine before giving the speech. B: Practice your speech as much as you can. C: Stimulate the real speaking environment when practicing your speech. D: Record yourself and watch your videos when practicing your speech.

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      5. Ways to end your speech include: ________________ your central idea, refer to the introduction, end with a quotation, and call for action. A: preview B: fortell C: summarize D: illustrate