• 2022-06-03
    Which of the following statement is NOT true ?
    A: You can use quotations to reinforce the central idea in the ending part.
    B: You’d better restate your main points in the ending part.
    C: You should avoid telling a story at the end of a speech.
    D: You can conceive one sentence or more to impress your audience at the end of a speech.
  • C


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      Which of the following statements is true? A: You can wear sexy clothes when giving a speech to attract your audience B: When giving a speech, you should stand like you are singing an opera to show formality C: You should hold the microphone when giving a speech D: You shouldn’t stand rigidly when giving a speech

    • 1

      The central idea is __________. A: A declarative sentence that tells what you hope to accomplish with your speech B: A declarative phrase you want your audience to remember in your speech C: A single infinitive phrase that indicate what you want to accomplish with your speech D: An interrogative sentence that provokes the audience's curiosity and interest

    • 2

      Which of the following is not one of the three main questions you should ask yourself before starting your speech? A: Why are you giving this speech? B: Who is the audience of the speech? C: What should I wear to the speech? D: What is the occasion for the speech?

    • 3

      ​To prepare a speech, the more main points you prepare, the better your speech would like to be.‍

    • 4

      When you explain statistical findings in your speech , it is better to use _______ to ensure that the audience can better understand them.