• 2022-05-29
    The attitude of the writer toward euthanasia is ______.
    A: negative
    B: positive
    C: objective
    D: casual
  • C


    • 0

      What's the auther's attitude toward living disconnected? A: Indifferent B: Negative C: Positive D: Don't know

    • 1

      He has a ( ) attitude toward his work; he likes it and does it well. A: negative B: positive C: opposite D: contradictory

    • 2

      The writer’s attitude toward stress is __________.

    • 3

      The attitude of the writer is ______. A: approved B: objective C: disapproved D: indifferent

    • 4

      What is his attitude toward the hardships he suffered from? A: He has a positive attitude toward his life. B: He has a disappointed attitude toward his life. C: He has a scared attitude toward his life.