• 2022-05-29
    Which of the following isNOTa reason that Zeus was angry with Prometheus?
    A: Prometheus stole fire from Olympus and gave it to human.
    B: Prometheus tricked Zeus to leave human better portion of meat in sacrifice.
    C: Prometheus made human beings and Athena gave them soul.
    D: Prometheus refused to tell who was going to replace him.
  • C


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      ​Which of the following is NOT true of Prometheus Unbound?‎ A: Prometheus has stolen the fire from Heaven. B: Prometheus is punished by Zeus. C: With the others’ help, Prometheus is unbound and freed. D: Prometheus finally reconciles with Zeus.

    • 1

      In Greek Mythology, human beings are first created by the Titan Prometheus。 ( )

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      In Greek mythology, it was _____ who created human. A: Zeus B: Prometheus C: Gaia D: Helen

    • 3

      In Greek myths, why was Prometheus punished by Zeus?( ) A: Because he had an affair with Hera. B: Because he stole fire from Zeus and gave it to humans. C: Because he wanted to be the ruler of heaven. D: Because he did not respect Zeus.

    • 4

      Zeus punished Prometheus for his stealing fire and giving to humanity by chaining Prometheus on Mount Caucasus where the eagle would eat his liver forever.