• 2022-05-29
    Which god was entrusted by Zeus to create human beings?
    A: Athena
    B: Hephaestus
    C: Prometheus
    D: Epimetheus
  • C


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      ‌Milton said that his writing purpose of Paradise Lost was ______.​ A: to defend for Satan B: to blame God’s way to human beings C: to justify God’s punishment on human beings D: to explain why human beings lost paradise

    • 1

      Who is the most cunning god (goddess)? A: Zeus B: Athena C: Apollo D: Hermes

    • 2

      Zeus ordered Hepheastus, god of fire, to have Prometheus chained to Mount Caucasus.

    • 3

      In Greek Mythology, human beings are first created by the Titan Prometheus。 ( )

    • 4

      Human beings are (create) ______ animals.