Io was changed in to a white cow by Zeus and was given to Hera as a present. Her descendant Heracles set Prometheus free.
- Zeus boasted that he had fathered a son who would be called Heracles, which means “the glory of Hera,” or “hated by Hera,”
- Zeus's jealous wife, Hera, punished Prometheus to perform twelve seemingly impossible labors.
- Which of the following mythological story is closely related to the Trojan War? ( ) A: Zeus and Io B: Zeus and Europa C: Zeus and Leda D: Zeus and Prometheus
- Zeus persuaded Hera to agree that, after performing the twelve labors, his son Heracles should become a god。( )
- ____was the beautiful princess of Argos who was changed into a heifer by Zeus to avoid Hera’s suspicions.