• 2022-05-30
    ‌The topical order is suitable to almost any kind of speech and is thus most widely used.‍
  • 内容

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      The most widely used format in a business letter is ___________, and in the letter of this format each line starts from the leftmost side, without any space left.

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      Which of the following expressions is correct? A: Carbonaceous materials are the most widely used cathodes because they are non-toxic and provide good stability. B: Carbonaceous materials are the most widely used cathodes because they are non-toxicity and good stability. C: Carbonaceous materials are the most widely used cathodes due to their non-toxicity and high stability. D: Carbonaceous materials are the most widely used cathodes due to non-toxic and highly stable.

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      If the speech “ The benefits of reading ” is organized in topical order, which of the following should NOT be included as one of the main points?

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      Which of the following is NOT true about the organization of a speech ? A: You must use only one pattern when organizing a speech. B: Causal order is most often used for a persuasive speech. C: Spatial order is most often used for an informative speech. D: You should think about the purpose of speech when choosing an organization pattern.

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      PowerPoint is the most widely used visua...orms of visual aids.