• 2022-05-30
    A: It offers more privacy.
    B: It costs less money.
    C: It provides more comfort.
    D: It helps make new friends.
  • B


    • 0

      The _____ sensitive is the demand for money to interest rates, the _____ unpredictable velocity will be.() A: more; more B: more; less C: less; more D: less; less

    • 1

      It is not easy to give away money ______ it is to make money. A: as B: B. more than C: C. as much as D: D. any more than

    • 2

      It takes ______ time for you to make friends with British people. A: no B: little C: less D: more

    • 3

      Being independent means you have more chances to make new friends.

    • 4

      More Than Money is an organization that helps people make good decisions about unexpected wealth.