• 2022-05-30
    ‎The sequence of the different stage of Classical Music is: ‌
    A: Baroque Era, Classical Era, Romantic Era
    B: Classical Era, Baroque Era, Romantic Era
    C: Romantic Era, Classical Era, Baroque Era
    D: Baroque Era, Romantic Era, Classical Era
  • A


    • 0

      The passage indicates that the Creiaceous period occurred() A: in the early part of the Mesozoic era B: in the middle part of the Mesozoic era C: in the later part of the Mesozoic era D: after the Mesozoic era

    • 1

      Classical Chinese gardens can be divided into different types based on ( ) A: Historical era B: Ownership C: Religeous belief D: Location

    • 2

      The earliest friction firing came out in ( ). A: early of paleolithic era B: middle of paleolithic era. C: middle of neolithic ear D: ealry of neolithic era E: late of neolithic era

    • 3

      Socrates is remembered for his teaching methods and for ( ). A: writing good articles B: representing the classical era of Greek philosophy C: asking thought-provoking questions D: playing good music

    • 4

      The leading form of literature in the Victorian Era is ________.