• 2022-05-31
    When comparing the means of three groups and above in population, we use
    A: t-test
    B: ANOVA
    C: Chi-square
    D: Rank test
  • B


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      Using the confidence interval when conducting a two-tail test for the population mean we do not reject the null hypothesis if the hypothesised value for µ:

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      采用SPSS统计分析软件进行简单样本的T检验时,分析选项是( ) A: Analyze→Compare means → Paired-Samples T test B: Analyze→Compare means → One-Way ANOVA. C: Analyze→Compare means → Independent-Samples T test D: Analyze→Compare means → One-Samples T test

    • 2

      An<br/>F test for an analysis of variance (ANOVA) tells us () A: which<br/>of the pairs of treatment groups have means that are significantly<br/>different. B: whether<br/>the variances across the treatment groups are significantly<br/>different. C: whether<br/>there is evidence that at least two of the means across treatment<br/>groups are significantly different. D: whether<br/>the experiment was randomized.

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      In a test of the mean of a population, if the population variance is: A: known, a z- distributed test statistic is appropriate. B: known, a t- distributed test statistic is appropriate. C: unknown, a z -distributed test statistic is appropriate.

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      Analysis of variance uses the ( ) test A: z B: f C: chi-square D: F