• 2022-06-07
    An analyst does research about hypothesis testing. Which of the following test statistics is most appropriate test statistics for two means based on samples that we believe are dependent
    A: T-test.
    B: F-test.
    C: Chi-square test.
  • A


    • 0

      如下代码定义了一个类Test: class Test { private int y; Test (int x) { y:x; } }现在为Test 类生成一个对象,正确的语句是( )。 A: Test t = new Test( ); B: Test t=new Test(10, 20); C: Test t; D: Test t=new Test(10);

    • 1

      145.var t = 10; function test(test){ t = t + test; console.log(t); var t = 3; } test(t); console.log(t); 运行结果是( )?

    • 2

      jQuery类选择器可以通过指定的class查找元素语法是() A: $("test.") B: $("test") C: $("#test") D: $(".test")

    • 3

      Which tests can be used to detect heteroscedasticity?() A: Goldfeld-Quandt (GQ) test B: White’s test C: Breusch-Pagan Test D: Breusch-Godfrey Test

    • 4

      查看一下代码 ,请问输出正确的是|var Test ={| foo:"test",| func:function () {| var self=this;| console.log(this.foo);| console.log(self.foo);| (function () {| console.log(this.foo);| console.log(self.foo);| })();| }|};|Test.func(); A: test test undefined test B: test undefined undefined test C: test test undefined D: test test test test