The inflation tax__________
A: transfers
wealth from the government to households.
B: is
the increase in income taxes due to lack of indexation.
C: is
a tax on everyone who holds money.
D: All
of the mentioned are correct.
A: transfers
wealth from the government to households.
B: is
the increase in income taxes due to lack of indexation.
C: is
a tax on everyone who holds money.
D: All
of the mentioned are correct.
- The inflation tax<br/>() A: transfers wealth<br/>from the government to households. B: is the increase<br/>in income taxes due to lack of indexation. C: is a tax on<br/>everyone who holds money. D: All of the above<br/>are correct.
- The inflation tax A: transfers wealth from the government to households. B: is the increase in real income taxes due to lack of indexation in income tax rules. C: is a tax on everyone who holds money. D: All of the above are correct.
- To increase the money supply, the Fed could() A: sell<br/>government bonds. B: decrease<br/>the discount rate. C: increase<br/>the reserve requirement. D: None<br/>of the above is correct.
- Suppose the government increases the size of a tax by 40 percent. <br/>The deadweight loss from that tax ( ) A: increases<br/>by 40 percent. B: increases<br/>by more than 40 percent. C: increases<br/>but by less than 40 percent. D: decreases<br/>by 40 percent.
- Taxes are costly to market participants because they: () A: transfer<br/>resources from market participants to the government. B: alter<br/>incentives. C: distort<br/>market outcomes. D: All<br/>of the above are correct.