• 2021-04-14
    Which one of the following is NOT part of “Four critical components to leadership” at the time of transformation? 下列哪条不是重组中“领导力四大关键点”的一部分?

  • Treat the employees equally 平等对待员工


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      Which one of the following is NOT part of the big question mentioned by Brad for executives to think about technology? 以下哪条不在Brad提到的高层管理人员面对技术时所需要思考的大问题之内?</p></p>

    • 1

      Which of the following components is not part of a body paragraph?

    • 2

      Which one of the following is NOT part of “How to change people's mindset” recommended by Jon Garcia? 下列哪条不是Jon Garcia建议转换人们观念的方法?

    • 3

      Which one in the following is not included in the basic things mentioned by Lucky in the conversation?</p></p>

    • 4

      According to John, which one in the following is NOT included when you write an introduction?</p></p>