• 2021-04-14
    Not only ______ interested in football but ______ beginning to show an interest in it.
  • is the teacher himself;all his students are


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      What<br/>is the key to answering questions in visa application interview___? A: To<br/>show you have no inclination to emigrate B: To<br/>show you have inclination to emigrate C: To<br/>show you are really interested in their country D: To<br/>show you have no interest in their country

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      It is not unusual that Americans are interested in football and basketball.

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      (12)、 &#91;单选题&#93; (2分) A: They want to go to football match. B: They are no longer interested in it. C: They have no more paint and brushes. D: They really want to save money.

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      8. A football fan is a person ________ is interested in football.

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      He is ________ in playing football. A: interest B: interesting C: interested D: to interest