Out of this equation, there arise such familiar expressions(表达式).
- the songs and dances should arise (or seem to arise) naturally out of the situations of thestory and should not interrupt the action but____________.
- for(表达式1:表达式2:表达式3)语句中表达式1通常用来表达?A.()始化循环变量()B.()系表达()C.()辑表达()D.()循环变量递增强或递减
- What is the right order of the five key steps of your brand process? A: Strategy - expressions - roll out - execution - brand development B: Brand development - strategy - expressions - execution - roll out C: Strategy - expressions - execution - roll out - brand development
- 对表达式for(表达式1;;表达式3)可理解为__________
- 若有条件表达林(exp)?a++:b--, 则以下表达式中能完全等价于表达式(exp)的是___________