• 2021-04-14
    Customs Union
  • 关税同盟,是指成员国之间完全取消关税和其他贸易壁垒,并对非成员国实行统一的关税税率而缔结的同盟。关税同盟开始带有超国家的性质。


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      What is the difference between Free Trade Area and Customs Union? A: Free trade among members. B: FTA asks all the members to negotiate for a common external trade policy. C: External trade policy towards non-member countries. D: FTA is more popular than Customs Union.

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      Suppose that steel from Japan faces a 20 percent traiff in France and a 25 Percent traiff in Italy. while France and Italy maintain free trade between each other. France and Italy are therefore part of a (an): A: Free trade area B: Customs union C: Common market D: Economic union

    • 2

      By 1992 the European Union had become a full-fledged A: Economic union B: Monetary union C: Common marcket D: Fiscal union

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      The Maastricht Treaty of 1991 established a blueprint for economic union and monetary union for European Union members.

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      Where any customs operations are involved, the General Administration of Customs shall be responsible for the .