【判断题】在 WHERE 子句“ WHERE id BETWEEN 2 AND 5 ”中,查询结果不包括 id 等于 2 和 5 的数据
- 在WHERE子句“WHERE id BETWEEN 2 AND 5”中,查询结果不包括id等于2和5的数据。[br][/br]对[br][/br]错
- 下面选项中,查询student表中id值不在2和5之间的SQL语句是( )。 A: SELECT * FROM `student` WHERE `id`!=2,3,4,5 B: SELECT * FROM `student` WHERE `id` NOT BETWEEN 5 AND 2 C: SELECT * FROM `student` WHERE `id` NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 5 D: SELECT * FROM `student` WHERE `id` NOT IN 2,3,4,5
- 在WHERE子句“WHERE class BETWEEN 3 AND 5”中,查询结果包括class等于3、4、5的数据
- 下面选项中,查询student表中id值不在2和5之间的学生的SQL语句是 A: SELECT * FROM student where id!=2,3,4,5; B: SELECT * FROM student where id not between 5 and 2; C: SELECT * FROM student where id not between 2 and 5; D: SELECT * FROM student where id not in 2,3,4,5;
- 下面选项中,查询student表中id值不在2和5之间的学生,其中正确的SQL语句是() A: SELECT * FROM student where id!=2,3,4,5; B: SELECT * FROM student where id not between 5 and 2; C: SELECT * FROM student where id not between 2 and 5; D: SELECT * FROM student where id not in 2,3,4,5;