• 2021-04-14
    The ground state of carbon is (   )
  • 3P0


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      Which of the following statements is true: ( ) A: RO• is not a very reactive species B: RO• is not thought to be an intermediate in the smog-forming process. C: RO• is a free radical D: RO• is readily formed by the action of stable hydrocarbons and ground state NO2

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      Which types of discrimination are illegal in the UK? A: Discrimination on ground of sex B: Discrimination on ground of race C: Discrimination on ground of age D: Discrimination on ground of religious beliefs E: Discrimination on ground of sexual orientation

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      ______ of agricultural practices is a recognized method of carbon sequestration as soil can act as an effective carbon sink offsetting as much as 20% of 2010 carbon dioxide emissions annually.

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      The synonym of CO2 is .( )。 A: hydrogen B: carbon monoxide C: carbon dioxide D: oxygen

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      Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and ( ) A: oxygen B: emergency C: upgrade D: religious