• 2021-04-14
    Even if you’re not a hard-core Greenie, there are small acts you can take every day to save both the earth and your 1 . Going DIY with cleaning products is a good way to start. You can use 2 at home that won’t cost you any extra money–and that work just as well as the store-bought stuff. Vinegar cuts grease on stove tops and oven doors, and can even whiten your 3 and remove stains from clothes.
    In the kitchen, going green can save you money and keep you 4 . Cooking at home can cut down the cost of eating out, as well as the takeout containers you bring home. Buying produce and other raw foods cuts down on 5 that ends up in landfills. You can also look for products that use 6 or biodegradable packaging. You can even use some of the items you 7 in the trash to upcycle. Plastic grocery bags can be used for all kinds of craft projects.
    It’s easy to ignore, but a great amount of energy gets wasted around the house. You can 8 large appliances and other devices that aren’t being used. Changing out your light bulbs is another way to save money. CFL light bulbs are more 9 at first, but they use much less energy than incandescent light bulbs, and last at least eight times longer than regular bulbs. 10 on natural light is another way to make your light bulbs last longer – so open your blinds and enjoy the sunlight!
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