• 2021-04-14
    You need to know what to abandon if you are ______ of time.
  • running out


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      你知道约翰这次失败的原因吗? A: Do you know what has led to John’s courage this time? B: Do you know what has led to John’s sucess this time? C: Do you know what has led to John’s failure this time?

    • 1

      You should tell the company or the driver where you are, where you would like to go, and at what time you will need a cab.

    • 2

      .Someone_______ you know might really need the money. A: which B: what C: that

    • 3

      Once you ________ your appointment, you need to make it on time.

    • 4

      What will you be? One thing is sure that each of you will 1) _____________. But there is no such a future you don’t 2) _____________. What you’re doing today is 3) _____________. The most important thing to do is to 4) _____________. You need to know what type of person 5) _____________, to know your strong points as well as your limitations. This helps you 6) _____________ and shape your future.