• 2021-04-14
    1959年,()专门针对《Verbal Behavior》这本书写了一篇文章,叫A Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior.
  • 乔姆斯基


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      A psychologist studied the effect of blood alcohol on driving behavior. In this study the driving behavior was the _________ variable.

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      Answer the following question:The following are a few general coategories of behavior, give a few spectific examples of behavior for each category.Moral behavior:Risky behavior:Annoying behavior:Cooperative behavior:Violent behavior:Polite behavior:

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      Verbal and nonverbal barriers can interfere with the communication process. The verbal barriers are ________.

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      Which of the following nonverbal behaviors contradict one’s verbal messages?

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      Firth's theory of context of situation mainly includes: A: The relevant features of the participants, persons and personalities. B: The relevant objects C: The verbal action of the participants. D: The effects of the verbal actions.