Please choose the right translation of “能飞多高,不在天赋,而在态度。”? It is not your altitude, but your attitude that decides your aptitude.|It is not your attitude, but your aptitude that decides your altitude.|It is not your aptitude, but your altitude that decides your attitude.|It is not your aptitude, but your attitude that decides your altitude.
- Please observe the following sentence and select the correct answer which reflects the numbers of language according to the sentence sequence. It is not your aptitude, but your attitude that decides your altitude.
- It is your towards work and life that determines the quality of your life. A: aptitude B: altitude C: attitude D: allusion
- What is your _______ to his coming? A: altitude B: attitude C: attribute D: aspect
- Which of the following can be three assets for a phone screen? A: your attitude B: your voice C: your skills D: your preparation
- The thesis statement is your opinion or attitude which your reader might disagree