• 2021-04-14
    A. groupmod –m develop –g 528 research B. groupmod –d develop –g 528 research C. groupmod –g develop –n 528 research D. groupmod –n develop –g 528 research
  • groupmod –n develop –g 528 research


    • 0

      NASA announced this week that it plans to ______. A: develop a new spaceship B: enlarge its research field C: send astronauts to the moon D: cut down its expenses in space research

    • 1

      It was essential to ________science and technology, not just for the economy but for environmental protection as well. A: develop B: review C: research D: harness

    • 2

      修改用户组student的组id为1050,应执行的操作为()。 A: groupmod -n 1050 student B: groupadd -n 1050 student C: groupmod -g 1050 student D: groupdel -g 1050 student

    • 3

      2811R(528*528)有几个角是圆弧角() A: 2个 B: 4个 C: 3个 D: 1个

    • 4

      Optogenetics is a technique used to ______. A: search for new types of neurons B: turn the cells on and off with light C: develop new tools for cell research D: insert light-sensitive proteins into algae